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Inaugurazione del Euro-Arab Institute for the Dialogue between Cultures

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Programma dell'inaugurazione dello Euro-Arab Institute for the Dialogue between Cultures, promossa in collaborazione con l'Università Roma Tre e il Centro di eccellenza Altiero Spinelli per l'europa dei popoli e la pace nel mondo. «The Euro-Arab Institute for the Dialogue between Cultures comes to address the following issues:
- Reinforcing intercultural dialogue and related behaviours across European and Arab societies; so that it becomes a way of life in dealing with cultural differences
- Implementing dialogue between various cultures, civilizations and religions, and expanding it towards more useful intellectual exchange
- Stimulating civil society associations as vital tool in the culture of dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding
- Reinforcing the diversity of arts and literature, creativity and freedom in the framework of global values and international law».

Venerdì 9 Novembre 2012, ore 17:30
Aula Magna del Rettorato
via Ostiense 159 - Roma, Italy


Saluti di benvenuto:
Prof. Guido Fabiani, Rettore Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Autorità presenti
On. Gianni Pittella, Vice-Presidente vicario P.E.
Prof. T. Abdouli, President Euro-Arab Institute for the Dialogue between Cultures
Prof. Luigi Moccia, Presidente Centro Altiero Spinelli per l'Europa dei Popoli e la Pace nel mondo
Lezione inaugurale tenuta da Abdulaziz Saud Al Babtain sul tema "The Dialogue between Cultures: Chance for Peace and Challenge for Creativity"




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