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New IB maths exam preparation guides from Cambridge University Press support students revising for May 2014 examinations

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New exam preparation guides in Mathematics for the IB Diploma are now available from Cambridge University Press to support students revising for next month’s [May 2014] examinations.  The three guides - one each for higher and standard level mathematics and a third for standard level mathematical studies – enable students to revise the entire core material and are packed with hints and tips on technique. Especially designed to help students focus and make best use of their revision time, all the material is user-friendly and accessible.
Opportunities to grab extra marks and warnings about common pitfalls are highlighted throughout, making these guides an indispensible revision aid.

Each guide breaks the course down into chapters that summarise material and provide examples of the most common types of exam question, followed by a worked solution.  ‘Going for the top’ questions are available for students who want to stretch themselves to achieve the highest results.  

Written for IB students in English-speaking independent and international schools, the guides have been prepared specifically for the new IB Diploma Syllabus and are competitively priced.

For further information or to buy a copy of these guides - Mathematics Higher Level for the IB Diploma Exam Preparation Guide, Mathematics Standard Level for the IB Diploma Exam Preparation Guide and Mathematical Studies Standard Level for the IB Diploma Exam Preparation Guide - please visit -http://education.cambridge.org/ibmaths?zone=uk




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