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Univ. Roma Tre - Seminario di Probabilità

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Il Dott. Quentin Berger (ENS Lyon) terrà un Seminario di Probabilità dal titolo Polymer pinning model in random correlated environment: appearance of a degenerated regime, promoss dal Dipartimento di Matematica. We study the pinning model, that modelize a directed polymer in (d+1) dimensions that interacts with a non-homogeneous defect line. There is a localization phase transition: when temperature is low, the polymer sticks to the line and is said to be localized, whereas when  temperature is high the polymer wanders away from the line and is said to be delocalized.
I will present the main results on this model, stressing the influence of disorder on the phase transition, and I will show how the presence of strong spatial correlations can affect the behavior of the model in a crucial way.

Per informazioni:
Fabio Martinelli
tel. 06 57338039 martin@mat.uniroma3.it

Venerdì 2 Marzo 2012, ore 14.30
Dipartimento di Matematica, Aula 211
largo San L. Murialdo 1 - Roma, Italy




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