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Univ. Roma Tre - Exploring mobile technology as a sustainable literacy education option

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roma-tre-logoIl Prof. Paul Kim (Università di Stanford) terrà un seminario internazionale su Exploring mobile technology as a sustainable literacy education option, organizzato dal DiPED - Dipartimento di Progettazione Educativa e Didattica. Modera l'incontro dott.ssa Antonella Poce.
Paul Kim is Assistant Dean for Information Technology and CTO. As Chief Technology Officer, Paul Kim, provides vision and strategic plans for academic & information technology to the Stanford University School of Education and also teaches courses related to webbased technologies in learning. His R&D interests include: 3D learning environments, web-based concept maps, language & culture education through technologies, and E-learning. He serves as the chairman of the board for the Intercultural Institute of California. He received his Ph.D. and Master's degree from the University of Southern California.

Lunedì 1 Ottobre 2012, ore 15
Dipartimento di Progettazione Educativa e Didattica, Aula dottorandi
via della Madonna dei Monti 40 - Roma, Italy




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